Knowledge and truth in parmenides philosophy


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Knowledge and truth in parmenides philosophy

José Aparecido Pereira, Reginaldo Aliçandro Bordin and Luiz Tatto


The article's discussion object is to reflect on the problem of knowledge and truth in the philosophy of Parmenides. The reflections about knowledge and truth in this thinker must be linked to his discussions about the problematic of being. In reflecting on this subject, he eventually demonstrated that the rational aspect constitutes the legitimate nature of knowledge and truth. In this sense, reason, besides being an instrument capable of formulating principles to evaluate knowledge and truth, can also be interpreted as the foundation for the construction of any knowledge that claims to question the real knowledge status. The article is structured in three parts: a) An introduction in which we situate the philosopher's thought and present the problem to be discussed; b) Presentation of the materials and methods that guided the discussion about the issue; c) Presentation and analysis of the results originated, especially from the work of Parmenides.

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