Issue of violence and oppression in the works of Vijay Tendulkar

International Journal of Development Research

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3 pages
Research Article

Issue of violence and oppression in the works of Vijay Tendulkar

Sumit Kumar


In the Post-Independence era, the patterns of Indian English Drama underwent a drastic change. Theatrical activities were organized and it accumulated a new force with the lively contribution of the dramatists like trio of Badal Sircar, Vijay Tendulkar and Girish Karnad. Vijay Tendulkar made his place as a Marathi writer but he had modified the shape of Indian Drama with the Power of his pen to represent the issues that are temporal as well as timeless. He is almost fascinated by the interplay and functioning of various forms of violence as an essential need of humanity in all forms of social relations. Tendulkar’s drama highlights the complexity of human relationships and contains a latent critique of modern Indian society, Tendulkar’s plays like Shakespeare’s plays are neither moral, no immoral in tone but may rather be seen a moral. Tendulkar’s take on violence is matter-of-fact. Gender violence of 'Sakharam', gave way to political violence. Political form of violence depicted in his most noted play ‘Ghashiram Kotwal’. A political satire, created as a musical drama set in 18th century Poona. Vijay Tendulkar’s plays, not only revolutionized the regional theatre but they have also opened fresh vistas for experimentation in Indian English Drama through the translated versions. He shows the position of women in contemporary Indian society through his woman characters. In this play, he depicts women as loyal, docile, hardworking, and tenderhearted. He deals with the existence of human being, human mind, human psychology and human relationship through his plays. The issues of violence, sex, illicit human relationships, power, stability in the society and social issues point out in all his plays in English translation.

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