Intergerationality: How are relations between elderly and young adults given?

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Intergerationality: How are relations between elderly and young adults given?


This study carried out a systematic review of the literature from 2008 to 2018, aiming to understand the state of the art of the subject, through the analysis of scientific articles of periodicals indexed in databases, as well as theses and dissertations registered in the CAPES portal/MEC, having as guiding question "How do the relations between elderly people and young adults of the same family are given?". According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 18 papers, 02 theses and 03 dissertations were selected, adding 23 studies that compo-sed the article. The main results indicate that the geographic distance and the developmental process of young people's lives are negative factors for the relationship, causing loneliness and, sometimes, depression in the elderly. Thus, the relationship has been hampered by the way of living in contemporary times, specifically by the world of work and the technological age, producing discontinuities of affection and solidarity.

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