Interdisciplinarity in the reform of high school: A critical approach between advances and backwards in contemporary Brazilian education

International Journal of Development Research

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5 pages
Research Article

Interdisciplinarity in the reform of high school: A critical approach between advances and backwards in contemporary Brazilian education

Ailton Batista de Albuquerque Junior, Andréia Nunes de Sousa, Annalies Barbosa Borges, Edinilza Maria Anastácio Feitosa, Elenice Praciano Pinto, Edite Batista de Albuquerque, Isabelle Karen Ferreira de Melo, Maria Cláudia Ferreira dos Santos Bezerra, Rachel Figueiredo Viana Martins Lima, Raila Beserra Viana and Regis Bezerra Costa


Aiming to change the current structure of the Secondary Education system in all schools in Brazil, the Secondary Education Reform - Law No. 13.415 / 2017, originated from Provisional Measure No. 746/16, aims to implement it in a comprehensive way, proposing the flexibilization of the curricular matrix, allowing that through the new model, the student chooses the area of knowledge of his interest, either to follow his studies towards Higher Education, or to enter the world of work, bringing the school closer to the current reality and the contemporary professional demands of the market, allowing thousands of young people to have the opportunity in the future to follow their dreams and aspirations. Throughout this study, it appears that, despite the advances obtained in the last decade, these are insufficient to adequately face the historical challenges that still fall on High School. In this sense, a broad dialogue with the State-Labor-Civil Society tripod is urgent, so that we can reach a consensus, and consequently we can adequately and harmoniously face the historical challenges that still fall on High School.

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