The insertion of former detainees in the labour market

International Journal of Development Research

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4 pages
Research Article

The insertion of former detainees in the labour market

Sarah Coelho Lima, Marilsa de Sá Rodrigues, Wilma Helena da Rocha Falcão, Robson Sousa Silva, Karla Kessia de Lima Pereira, Antônia de Kassia Silva de Sousa Pinho, Gelk Costa Silva and Vilmar Livino dos Santos


The citizen who enters the penitentiary system, even after the completion of your sentence, established by the judiciary, will face an uphill battle, with the taint of being a former student of the prison system, will load in your heart the bitter taste of discrimination and prejudice. With this stigma, it's very difficult succeed in the labour market and the much longed-for social reintegration. This article brings a social vision and the reintegration of normative prison graduates society, as well as a reflection of public policies for social inclusion of these ex-cons into the labour market. In this way are analyzed social behaviors and the intention of the legislator with regard to the social reintegration of ex-cons. During the search are presented statistical data that prove the difficulty of reintegration of such persons and the problems that such hardship brings, not only to the former detainees but society itself that the reject. In addition the research presents new terms, still little discussed in the Brazilian legal means and brings to light and explanatory. Finally try yourself to find a definitive solution to the problem of criminal recidivism in most cases occurs due to lack of opportunities for prison graduates

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