Influence of organic supplements as foliar spary on soil microbial population and yield of maize (zea mays)

International Journal of Development Research

Influence of organic supplements as foliar spary on soil microbial population and yield of maize (zea mays)


To study the influence of foliar spraying of different organic compounds namely panchagavya, humic acid and kunapanjola on the yield of maize and their impacts on soil microbes after the harvest of the crop a field experiment was conducted at experimental farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, Chidambaram. It was laid out in Randomized Block Design with eleven treatments and replicated thrice. The treatments includes control, Recommended dose of fertilizers, and foliar spraying with three different organic products viz., panchagavya, humic acid and kunapanjola with three levels of spray on 20,40 and 60 DAS on maize. Grain yield of maize varied significantly due to different organic compounds and at varied time of application. Application of 100% recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF) and 3 sprays (20,40 and 60 DAS) of 3 % Panchagavya recorded the highest yield of maize and this was followed by application of recommended dose of fertilizers (100 %) along with 3 sprays (20,40 and 60 DAS) of 3 % humic acid . Similarly higher rhizosphere microbial population was observed in the same treatment that receives 3% panchagavya at 3 different growth phases of the study. The least maize yields and post harvest microbial population was recorded in absolute control without use of organic products and inorganic fertilizers.

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