Influence of different growth regulators on propagation of Lemonia (Ravenia spectabilis and Ravenia spectabilis variegata) in sub-tropial zone

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Influence of different growth regulators on propagation of Lemonia (Ravenia spectabilis and Ravenia spectabilis variegata) in sub-tropial zone


The present investigation was carried out to study the effect of different growth regulators on propagation of Ravenia Spp. in subtropical zone under naturally ventilated polyhouse equipped with foggers at Mandouri farm of Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, Nadia,West Bengal. Significant differences among the treatments (IAA @1000ppm, IAA@2000ppm, IAA @3000ppm, IBA @1000ppm, IBA @2000ppm, IBA @3000ppm, NAA @1000ppm, NAA @2000ppm, NAA @3000ppm and Control) on root emergence and proliferation were noticed. After two consecutive years of studied, (Ravenia spectabilis and Ravenia spectabilis Variegata), can successfully propagated by tip cutting in the month of June with the treatment of NAA @ 3000 ppm for rapid multiplication of this plant in sub-tropical zone. The second best growth regulators may be considered like IAA @2000ppm and IBA@3000ppm for this purpose.

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