Influence of Automotive Pre-painting Temperature on the Bake Hardenig (BH) Effect in hot Stamped Parts

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Influence of Automotive Pre-painting Temperature on the Bake Hardenig (BH) Effect in hot Stamped Parts

Júlio Henrique Pimentel Medrano and Márcio Teodoro Fernandes


Management High-strength steels recently used to obtain parts for the automotive industry, with multiphase microstructures, have interesting bake-hardening (BH) properties. The aim of this research work is to pre-deform and quantify the effect of BH on 22MnB5 steels, during the pre-painting phase, obtained by hot stamping. Different temperatures, 180 °C and 200 °C, and different times, from 15 to 40 minutes, were used as heat treatments to simulate the effect on hot stamped material at a temperature of 900 °C. The mechanical properties used to characterize the effect were: the strength limit, the yield limit and elongations, which were obtained through the tensile test. It was concluded that the 22MnB5 steel studied has bake hardening (BH) properties when subjected to pre-painting thermal conditions and it was observed that there was an improvement in yield strength, an increase of 102MPa, in sample S2020, condition 200 °C x 20 min.

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