The importance of nursing notes in decreasing hospital glosses

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

The importance of nursing notes in decreasing hospital glosses

Cyntia Maria Moreira Herkert, Luiz Fabrício Gardini Brandão, Camila Souza de Morais, Gabriel Elias Ota and Mariana Martins Sperotto


This study aimed to describe the importance of nursing notes in decreasing hospital glosses, through a bibliographic survey conducted on the Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences databases ( and Scientific Electronic Library Online (, with publications in the vernacular, from 2007 to 2014, and the sample being composed of 8 publications. The results revealed that after all the problems were raised based on the studies, the main cause for the glosses to happen is the deficiency in nursing notes, often caused by the lack of knowledge of the real need for complete and quality records by the team of nursing. In this way, it is possible to highlight the need for continuing education for the nursing team in order to awaken the importance of nursing audit to provide quality nursing care.

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