Implementing lexical approach in achieving vocabulary goals in esp classroom

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Review Article

Implementing lexical approach in achieving vocabulary goals in esp classroom

Dr. Uzma Hasan


This paper aims to provide information on and a way for teachers of ESP class to implement the lexical approach in achieving vocabulary goals. The Lexical approach is the most commonly used method by teachers, which makes it understandable for both, the teachers and students that how they can interact with English by consuming minimum effort and time. In the lexical approach, unique consideration is given to collocations and articulations that incorporate regulated expressions and sentence edges and heads. As the publisher of this approach Lewis states, rather than words, we deliberately attempt to consider collocations, and to show these in articulations. Instead of endeavoring to break things into ever littler pieces, there is a concise push to see things in bigger, more all encompassing ways. Additionally, in this paper a clear difference is given that elaborates the core purpose of traditional English language learning and learning by the lexical approach. With the help of tables, new teacher in this field can get a clear idea about how they can adopt the lexical approach.

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