Immediate Response, Lasting impact: A review of first aid as the first line of rescue

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Immediate Response, Lasting impact: A review of first aid as the first line of rescue

AL Shehri Abdullah Mohammed, AL Qahtani Shafi Mohammed, AL Mutairi Turki Fahad, AL Mutairi Sattam Sahw, AL Mutairi Yuosef Marzoq, AL Fiqi Mohammed Ibrahim and AL Sobhi Ahmed Ateaqallah


First aid represents the crucial first response in emergencies, providing immediate care that can significantly influence outcomes before professional medical help arrives. This review explores the evolution, principles, and techniques of first aid, highlighting its role as the first line of rescue. By examining historical developments, case studies, and the impact of widespread training, the review underscores the life-saving potential of timely first aid. Additionally, it addresses the challenges of training accessibility, knowledge retention, and cultural barriers. The future of first aid is considered through the lens of technological advancements and global initiatives aimed at enhancing public awareness and training. Ultimately, this review reaffirms the importance of first aid in empowering individuals to act confidently and effectively in emergency situations, making a lasting impact on community health and safety.

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