Human rights and human development: a conceptual framework for research

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
13 pages
Research Article

Human rights and human development: a conceptual framework for research

Ayub Mallick


The concept of Human Rights Based Approach to Development concerning entitlements of the recipients of development and consequent obligation of the duty bearing state and other actors depends upon the interaction and mutually reinforcing relationship amongst human rights, development and democracy. The human development index is a summary measure of human development, which measures three basic dimensions of human development, i.e. a healthy life measured by life expectancy at birth on average, knowledge measured by adult literacy rate on average with two-third weight and CEC enrolment ratio with one-third weight, and standard of living measured by estimated earned income per capita. Enhancing employment opportunities in rural areas is a necessary condition for economic development, when economic development involves more than job creation. Sustainable economic development is not possible in the absence of employment opportunity. Communities may be able to improve the degree of social cohesion; they may be able to develop both their physical infrastructure and the level of human capital.

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