Health academics working in public schools, Manaus – Amazonas, Brazil: experience report
International Journal of Development Research
Health academics working in public schools, Manaus – Amazonas, Brazil: experience report
Received 14th September, 2020; Received in revised form 06th October, 2020; Accepted 29th November, 2020; Published online 30th December, 2020
Copyright © 2020, Renato da Cunha Araújo et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Health promotion consists of training the population to improve their health conditions and increase their control over them. In addition, it is defined as a combination of educational and environmental support aimed at disseminating information about healthy living habits, passing on knowledge and skills for self-care of health. This study aims to describe the theoretical and practical activities developed in the discipline "Comprehensive Health Care", by Nursing, Medicine and Dentistry students, from the State University of Amazonas, emphasizing the interdisciplinary work at the service of the community. The discipline of the 1st period aims to insert students in the reality of regional and national health, that is, making them able to understand the Unified Health System-SUS / Family Health Strategy. The theoretical part was based on lectures, scientific research, problematization and debate on various topics related to public health. As for the practice, there was a presentation by students in public schools, prepared under guidance, division of groups, discussion of the themes and preparation of contextualized teaching resources for the respective age and thematic groups. The teams presented didactic-ludic activities to about 360 students from different grades, allowing the interaction and completeness of the courses. The main focus was based on educational guidance and prevention of diseases and injuries. After the practices, the teams deliver a report describing their reflections and suggestions about the activity performed, introducing, in this way, the critical-scientific sense in the participating academics. It is noted that this methodology is a way of practicing interdisciplinarity - students, learn to work in a humanized and group way; teachers, because they are compelled to expand knowledge; the educational institution, for being inserted in the pedagogical proposal of the discipline; the child and youth community, for providing opportunities and integrating educational dynamics in favor of health promotion, becoming multipliers