Geometric and gravimetric characteristics of black gram

International Journal of Development Research

Geometric and gravimetric characteristics of black gram


Study of  physical properties are necessary to determine the appropriate equipment design for processing transportation, separating, storing and drying systems.  In this experimental study, some  raw material characteristics were determined for the blackgram  to get the idea for proper equipment design . The average length, width and thickness were found  to be 3.53mm, 2.22mm and 2.29mm at 11.11% moisture content  respectively for the dry seeds. The geometric mean diameter, arthimetic mean diameter,equivalent mean diameter, thousand grain weight, sphericity,  aspect ratio, surface area and volume were 2.612mm, 2.679mm,4.24mm,40.6g, 74.35%,65.5%, 21.591mm2 and 9.56mm3 respectively. True density, bulk density and porosity were 1335.08 kg/m3,805.091kg/m3 and 39.697% respectively.

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