Food supply chain traceability using hyperledger

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Food supply chain traceability using hyperledger

Chhaya Dhavale, Nihar Vira, Anurag Yadav and Siddharth Yennuwar


With the advent of globalization, supply chain systems in all domains have become highly complex due to the ever-growing networking and change of approach towards automation which have at times been limited in traditional supply chains. One of the key aspects to be targeted in conventional methodologies is the centralized nature of the supply chain. Due to this factor, there is deterioration in the quality, contamination and tampering of the food product that is delivered to the end user. In the proposed system, the aim is to build a decentralized system for a food supply chain that leverages the power of blockchain and smart contracts, deployed over a smart hyperledger fabric network. The primary objectives are aimed at implementing smart contract-based transaction validation at each step of the chain thus covering various parameters such as providing transparency, efficiency, and accountability with a view to overcome the challenge of tracking and maintaining the integrity of data throughout the entire process of the supply chain.

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