Factors predicting outcome of traumatic brain injury: a study from Manipur
International Journal of Development Research
Factors predicting outcome of traumatic brain injury: a study from Manipur
Background: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is considered a public health problem and is a major cause of death and disability among young adults. There is lack of regular epidemiological monitoring of TBI in India. Hence we have made an effort to present epidemiology and outcome of TBI from Manipur. Materials and methods: Patients with acute brain injury were included in the study. Based on the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), patients were divided into mild (13-15), moderate (9-12) and severe (<9) head injury. Surgery done in patients with CT showing haematoma >30ml, Midline shift > 5mm, features of raised intracranial tension and those with severe head injury were taken up for surgery. Patients’ particulars were noted and statistical analysis was done using SPSS 16.0. Results: Total 1660 patients presented to the emergency room in the study period. 84.7% patients were males. Conservative management was done in all patients with mild head injury and 112 among 200 patients with moderate head injury. Eighty eight patients among 200 (44%) with moderate head injury required evacuation of Haemorrhage. Mortality was high in patients with severe head injury. Conclusion: Dedicated trauma center is the need of the hour in Manipur. TBI was more common in older age-group as compared to young patients in our population. Delayed transport, poor referral system are haunting several precious lives in this part of country. Primary health centres need to be equipped for proper referral. Silent epidemic of TBI is best managed by prevention