Evolution of hospitalizations arising from alcohol and another drug abuse

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Evolution of hospitalizations arising from alcohol and another drug abuse

Francisco Carlos Lins da Silva, Magna Suzana Alexandre Moreira, Amuzza Aylla Pereira dos Santos, Herbert Charles Silva Barros and Tâmara Silva de Lucena


Objective: to analyze the evolution of hospitalizations arising from alcohol and another drug abuse from 2008 to 2015. Method: analytical, observational, ecological study based on the information contained in the national databases of the Hospital Admission System of the Unified Health System. Results: among the first ten causes of hospitalizations due to mental disorders, the use of some type of drug is the second largest responsible (15,10). As for hospitalizations specifically due to drug abuse, the disorders generated by abuse of alcohol and multiple drugs were responsible for 99.17% of the hospitalizations. There was a strong growing trend in these hospitalizations (R² = 0.8419), with an increase of 90.56% when compared to the extremes of the evaluated period, regardless of the gender considered. Conclusion: the amount of hospitalizations for alcohol and drug abuse is increasing. Is necessary to create and implement multisectoral preventive strategies, since this situation is directly related to Social Determinants of Health.

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