Evaluation of environmental monitoring program (emp) for solid radioactive waste storage facility in al-tuwitha site

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Evaluation of environmental monitoring program (emp) for solid radioactive waste storage facility in al-tuwitha site

Sabeeh J. Beden, Mohammed Gh. Kareem, Ahmed J. Hassan, Jalal N. Hussein, Saja S. Hasan Ismael H. AL-Musawi, Arkan T. Abdullah and Jabbar J. Mohammed


Environmental Monitoring program (EMP) is one of important means used in safety assessment studies for place planed to construct new storage facility for solid conditioned short lived low-Intermediate short level radioactive waste on it .The (EMP) includes radiological measurements of environmental samples such as ( soil , water ,plants and air dust) selected from the storage facility area and surrounding zones reach reached to (4) Km distance from the store location where public villages are occupied .The results show background levels of radiation exposure and others are below the risk impacts to the workers and local people. This study is accomplished during the construction period of the storage facility and there will be continued study through (EMP) to operation period of the store to inspect and observe the safety standards for environmental monitoring impacts on the workers and public through the store operation process.

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