Ethical degradation and social crisis

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Ethical degradation and social crisis


Ethical degradation is a key and critical problem confronting the society at large. Indeed, in the present day, “we are in the throes of a giant ethical leap that is essentially embracing all mankind” (Donahue, 1996, p. 484). Worldwide communication, economic realities, technological and scientific progress and pluralistic worldviews make it complicated and tricky for mankind to overlook the major significant ethical issues in the world. Indeed, ethics play afundamental and vitalelement of the human society. However, people are badly diverted through various unethical practices that have an unfavourable and bad effect upon society at large, thus resulting in a social crisis.For that reason, it is crucialand vital to tackle this problem to establish good ethics and to overcome the social crisis prevalent in the society.The foremostaim of this paper is to examine the key causes leading to ethical degradation affecting society at large while highlighting few remedies to encounter the problem as there are sensitive and controversial ethical issues challenging the world community and their everyday lives.

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