An epistemological dialogue among the praxiology of pierre bourdieu and the epistemologies of the south of boaventura de sousa santos

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

An epistemological dialogue among the praxiology of pierre bourdieu and the epistemologies of the south of boaventura de sousa santos

Ibbertson Nobre Tavares, João Luís Soares Studart Guimarães, Luiz Botelho Albuquerque, Marcelo Kaczan Marques, Pedro Rogério, Rubens Tadeu Passos Carneiro, Sarita Cristina Saito and Wanderley de Freitas dos Santos


Neoliberalism is in full development in the most diverse countries and, thus, affects relevant fields of society; among these, school education (at all levels). Understanding that education must promote the emancipation of the student, does it, inserted in the logic of capitalism, truly fulfill this function? Or, on the contrary, does it respond to the interests of the dominant? Reflections like these, supported by two of the most relevant theorists of the last decades, which we aim at in this work. In this bias and from the theoretical review of Pierre Bourdieu's praxiology and the Epistemologies of the South of Boaventura de Sousa Santos, we trace an epistemological dialogue explaining the converging points among the authors, and these are the ones that guide our considerations regarding an emancipatory education.

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