Emergency response and Social Work: A Critical examination of roles and responsibilities

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Emergency response and Social Work: A Critical examination of roles and responsibilities

AL Sady Mona Madlah, AL Enazi Nuri Rawafa, AL Dosary Nora Mohammed, Hamran Abdullah Ibrahim, AL kharji Noura Abdullah, AL Yami Doaa Ali and AL Amri Basmah Ayiadh


In the realm of emergency management, social workers play a crucial role that often goes unrecognized. This article critically examines the diverse roles and responsibilities of social workers during emergency situations, encompassing natural disasters, man-made crises, and pandemics. By engaging in activities ranging from initial assessment to long-term recovery efforts, social workers address both immediate and enduring needs of affected populations. The paper highlights how social workers provide psychological support, advocate for client needs, and coordinate with other emergency services to ensure comprehensive care. Challenges faced by social workers, including emotional burnout, resource limitations, and bureaucratic hurdles, are also explored. Through qualitative analysis and case studies, this article evaluates the impact of social work interventions on emergency response effectiveness and community resilience. The discussion extends to ethical dilemmas and the importance of training and preparedness in enhancing the capabilities of social workers in crises. Ultimately, the paper underscores the indispensable role of social workers in disaster response and recovery, advocating for greater recognition and support of their critical contributions to emergency management.

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