Efficiency and effectiveness of the quality of service of employees in providing services to the community. “duarte da costa

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
11 pages
Research Article

Efficiency and effectiveness of the quality of service of employees in providing services to the community. “duarte da costa

Loe Daci


Public service is part of an urgent activity for those who are responsible for holding the bureaucracy and politicians who hold power in public institutions to ensure good work performance, but also need support from the ability of employees to serve the community to achieve this goal, Therefore, civil servants need transparency, responsibility and accountability in achieving the goal of efficient and efficacy in public services. Service is an activity that is done to provide benefits to others, this activity occurs because there is interaction between the two parties or activities carried out by the organization to be a servant for others or those who are lucky. The quality of service should not be measured based on a person's thoughts by observation but can be measured through the community that has received services from the organization itselft. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach, collecting data through interview instruments, observation and documents, in order to find out the efficiency and efficacy,qualityof the work of the administrative employees in providing services to the community of Ossu sub-district, Viqueque municipality, the data analysis of this research uses a data analysis model according to the model. intraction by Milles and Hubberman, Sugiyono’s book, 2001: 247. The results of this study showed that, the administrative staff of the Ossu sub-district in providing services to the community, it can be said that the quality of their service is not maximized according to the needs of the community in administrative matters, because two administrative employees do not necessarily serve a large number of people. despite limited human resources and lack of training, the results of their work are of quality because they are supported by adequate facilities. From the results of this research, it is concluded that, lack of human resources, lack of training for civil servants, the condition of the subdistrict administration office that is severely damaged, civil servants who live far from where they work, a centralized political administration system, lack of public awareness, All of these matters have implications for the quality of work of civil servants in serving the community.

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