Effect ofplant growth regulators on micropropagation and rooting of the regenerated plant-lets derived from wheat (triticum aestivum l.) embryogenic callus

International Journal of Development Research

Effect ofplant growth regulators on micropropagation and rooting of the regenerated plant-lets derived from wheat (triticum aestivum l.) embryogenic callus


A simple method was developed for direct shoot regeneration of wheat (Triticumaestivum L.). Various types of plant growth regulators singly or in combinations were investigated. Regenerated plantlets from wheat embryogenic callus were placed in MS medium supplemented with different types and concentrations of growth regulators. Shoot seedlings successfully produced adventitious shoots (tillers) in cytokinins concentrations; TDZ singly has the superiority over all treatments tested, it has achieved the highest percentage of the emergence of the shoots (tillers) (90-100%) followed by BA with (60-90%); while KN was less encouraging for shoot sprouting (40-50%).The highest mean numbers of shoots (2.1±0.3a) and (1.9±0.3 a) were obtained in MS medium supplemented with 4.0 and 3.0 mg/l TDZ respectively. The sprouted shoots successfully rooted in MS medium supplemented with either NAA or IBA concentrations; however NAA was favorable for root number; whereas the greatest mean number of roots was obtained in MS medium supplemented with NAA concentrations ranged between (2.0-0.5mg/l); while the longest roots were produced in BA concentrations ranged from (0.5-2.0) mg/l. The rooted shoots were established well in the soil. This simple method yielded a number of shoots (tillers) within a short period of time. As wheat regeneration percentages from embryogenic callus is very low; this protocol will be used for micro propagation of the regenerated plantlets derived from embryogenic callus, then use them in different purposes.

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