Effect of the host, planting space and configuration plant on soil characteristics of entisol for sandalwood development in timor leste

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
10 pages
Research Article

Effect of the host, planting space and configuration plant on soil characteristics of entisol for sandalwood development in timor leste

Gomes, D., Adnyana, I.M., Merit, I.N. and Wijaya, I.M.A.S.


This research aimto analyze the effect of host plant, planting space, configuration plant, physical and chemicalcharacteristics of Entisol to the sandalwood growth in Timor Leste. The results of this studies is the physical properties of the soil were observed include bulk density, porosities, water content, and soil texture. The bulk density ranged from 1,23 to 1,56 g/cc; porosities 41,13 to 53,58%; water content of air dried ranged between 0,30 to 9,00%, while the moisture content of field capacity ranging between 18,30 to 26,78%; and clay content ranged from 37,60 to 5,22%. Soil chemical properties were observed include nitrogen, carbon and nitrogen ratio (C/N ratio), phosphor (P)-available, and potassium (K)-available, acidity(pH), cation exchange capacity (CEC), and Base saturation(BS). The value of nitrogen ranged from 0,06-0,23%; phosphor ranged from 7,14-30,89 ppm; ratio of C/N ranged from 8,40-19,42; potassium ranged from 342,43-359,94 ppm; acidity ranged from 6,70-7,80; CEC ranged from 14,30-16,14; and BS ranged from 79,90-102,93. Based on these results it can be concluded that the use of legume host type of Sesbania grandifora was not suitablefor primary host and configuration planting does not influence to the sandalwood growth. Sandalwood tree growth well when its cultivate together Alternanthera sp as a one species from non legume crops with 6 symbiont configuration with 10 cm planting spacing. Use local host Timor Leste (Alternanthera sp) with configuration with a planting space (6; 10 cm) in the cultivation of sandalwood on the ground with clayey texture (an average of 42, 62% clay content) and moisture content of field capacity available in the low level (22,56%) and are supported by sufficient and balanced nutrition, will be provide a good growth of sandalwood.

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