The effect of dmpatientcontrol behavior on blood sugar levels in anutapura general hospitalpalu

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

The effect of dmpatientcontrol behavior on blood sugar levels in anutapura general hospitalpalu

Muh. Jusman Rau, Kiki Rezky H, Adhar Arifuddin, Herawanto, Rosmala Nur and Pitriani


Diabetes Mellitus is a disease where the condition of blood sugar level exceeds normal limits. Globally by 2017 about 425 million people worldwide suffer from Diabetes Mellitus and the highest prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus in Indonesia is in Central Sulawesi about 3.7%. 43% or 3.7 million death due to high blood Sugar to patients with Diabetes Melitus in 2016. Cases of patients with Diabetes Mellitus in Anutapura Palu hospital reported in 2017 as many as 4177 patients. The objective of this research is to find out the effect of controlling behavior of Diabetes Mellitus on blood sugar level of patients at Anutapura general hospital of Palu City. The type of research is quantitative method with comparative study approach method, which is method that compares two or more variables. The number of sample is 116 respondents. Sampling is done by accidental sampling technique. Data source use primary data that is using questioner. Data were analyzed using independent sample T Test at 95% confidence level (p<0.05). The results of this research show that medication adherence (p = 0.004), sleep quality (p = 0.008), blood glucose examination (p=0.028) and physical activity (p=0.020) affect blood glucose level. Conversely for patients with Diabetes Mellitus to apply the controlling behavior of Diabetes Mellitus in order to improve the control of good blood sugar levels.

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