Effect of capillary as a dynamic impedance element on the differential pressure across rpc detector in a closed loop gas system

International Journal of Development Research

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4 pages
Research Article

Effect of capillary as a dynamic impedance element on the differential pressure across rpc detector in a closed loop gas system

Kalmani, S.D., Mondal, S., Shindea, R. R. and Hunagund, P. V.


The proposed INO-ICAL detector (INO-Collaboration, 2006) will be instrumented with 28,800 RPCs (Resistive Plate Chamber). These RPCs are of (1.8 x 1.9) m2 size, consist of two glass electrodes separated by 2 mm and use a gas mixture of R134a (C2H2F4), isobutane (iC4H10) and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) in the ratio of 95.3%, 4.5% and 0.2% respectively and are operated in avalanche mode. The INO-ICAL will have set of four RPCs in a road will be connected in parallel for a uniform and equal gas flow in a layer using a suitable gas manifold. This paper highlights the studies done using different capillaries in order to equalize the gas flow in different RPCs, as has been done in large detectors such as ATLAS and CMS (http://iopscience.iop.org/article/ 10.1088/ 1748-0221/8/02/P02014/pdf)

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