Diaspora and counter discourse in quest of Palestinian identity

International Journal of Development Research

Diaspora and counter discourse in quest of Palestinian identity


Diaspora and counter discourse become a mark of Palestinian Diasporas to express their sufferings and sacrifices for their country.  This paper examines how Palestinian writers reveal diasporas and counter discourse in their literary works. Diaspora has detached them from their families and friends, from their people and place. Mourid Barghouthi's I saw Ramallah is one of autobiographical works but it brings to the memory of the reader many stories of diasporas that brought an end to the lives of many creative Palestinians who realized in their thought and writing a counter discourse to raise awareness of international community in general and Palestinians in particular about the fairness of Palestinians' issue. The paper found Diasporas a means of escape to initiate a new life of struggle; it is a quest for an identity in a world endeavors lastingly to reshape their identity. Diasporas struggle to give a voice for a voiceless nation and they think their Diaspora would bring to them safety and security while it would become a way to death. Sometimes Diasporas die strangers, attempting to give a voice for voiceless nation.

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