A deterministic and tunable algorithm for automatic switchover to the most suitable renewable source according to power generation

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
10 pages
Research Article

A deterministic and tunable algorithm for automatic switchover to the most suitable renewable source according to power generation

Alex de L. e Silva, Geraldo M. Azevedo Jr, Vinicius C. de Oliveira, André F. A. M. Guimarães, Tallis A. Simões, Fabricio R. Neves, Paulo T. P. dos Santos and Octávio C. Ferrari


This paper introduces a deterministic algorithm applied to the automatic switchover to the most suitable among two renewable power sources, namely photovoltaic and wind, aiming at achieving optimal usage of these supplies while respecting simplicity and affordability criteria. The approach to the algorithm’s decision making is conventional logic based on power generation conditions. The proposed algorithm successfully copes with the bouncing problem that may occur when a choice based on simple comparison of the power values from the sources is adopted. Major parameters of the algorithm can be tuned, letting the operator perform optimizations according to local generation conditions and seasonal variations, favoring one power supply or the other. The realization of the algorithm is supported by novel hardware and software implementations. Although the algorithm was originally designed with the purpose of increasing reliability and availability of substations auxiliary services through the insertion of renewable power sources as alternative to the traditional supplies, it can be used in several other standalone applications. The simulation results presented in this piece of work, as well as the breadboard tests conducted, confirm the effective operation of the algorithm.

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