Detection of viral hepatitis b and c in a metropolitan region in Northern Brazil

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Detection of viral hepatitis b and c in a metropolitan region in Northern Brazil

Maria Helena Cunha Oliveira; Lena Lillian Canto de Sá Morais; Fernanda Rafaela de Souza Rebelo da Costa; Lidineusa Machado Araújo; Andréa de Melo Valente; Michelle da Silva Pereira; Antônio Marcos Mota Miranda; Ricardo José de Paula Souza e Guimarães Tássio Ricardo Martins da Costa and Maria de Nazaré Rodrigues Pereira Martins


Objective: Analyze the SINAN epidemiological database for cases of viral hepatitis B and C, using the Linkage tools between the databases of the Laboratory Environment Manager (GAL) and the data from the Foundation of Hemotherapy and Hematology Center of Pará (HEMOPA). Method: Cross-sectional and descriptive epidemiological study, based on information on HBV and HCV collected in the SINAN databases, Environment Manager of the Laboratory of the Evandro Chagas Institute (GAL-IEC), Central Laboratory of the State of Pará (GAL-Lacen) and blood donation screening sheets of the Foundation Center for Hemotherapy and Hematology of Pará (HEMOPA), with reagent results for hepatitis C anti-HCV serological markers and hepatitis B HBsAg serological markers. Results: The statistical test applied in this study proved the distance between the averages of the detection rates calculated with information from all complementary bases in relation to the information from SINAN, analyzed in all the municipalities of the Metropolitan Region I. Therefore, the rates calculated between all bases during the period 2010 to 2015 reflected an increasing trend for HBV and HCV in all municipalities. In the years 2014 and 2015, the rates were higher in all the municipalities analyzed. The data demonstrated that the detection rates of HBV and HCV were above the rate for Brazil and the state of Pará, confirming the existence of underreporting of cases. Conclusion: The cases captured in the complementary databases allowed to improve the sensitivity of the notification system of HBV and HCV in the SINAN base, of the municipalities of the Metropolitan Region I, in the state of Pará.

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