Curriculum flexibility in the inclusive school: a theoretical reflection on the curriculum construction process

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Curriculum flexibility in the inclusive school: a theoretical reflection on the curriculum construction process

Hellen Rose de Sousa Lima, Jailson Araújo Cipriano and Francisca Morais da Silveira


The aim of this article is to establish a dialogical relationship between curriculum flexibility and learning styles for teacher curricular knowledge and how these categories can serve as essential tools for building an inclusive curriculum, and specifically, how to use them as methodological strategies in the classroom context, in order to generate a better use in the learning process based on assumptions of renowned authors such as Perrenoud (1997), Tomlinson (2008), among others. For this, a brief history of the curriculum trajectory is presented, in order to identify remnants of traditional teaching that still impact the teaching of the 21st century, as well as setbacks that stagnate teaching. The relationship between curriculum and power is addressed as a game of hegemonic class interests. Curricular Flexibility is conceptualized within a classroom context in the search for social inclusion for all, without exception.

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