Contextualizing deliverance ministry in the presbyterian church in Rwanda

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Contextualizing deliverance ministry in the presbyterian church in Rwanda

MUHOZI Emmanuel


The rise of deliverance ministry in the Rwandan Context has significantly impacted Protestant congregations, including the Presbyterians. Historically, mainline churches have often viewed deliverance ministry with skepticism, perceiving it as a theology fraught with misunderstandings and potential risks to their mission and doctrinal integrity. Conversely, Neo-Charismatic Churches used deliverance ministry in their missional evangelism. The unexpected popularity of deliverance ministry among the Banyarwanda has posed a challenge, catching traditional churches off guard. The study revealed a crucial oversight by mainline churches and Presbyterian Church, particularly in failing to integrate vital elements of Rwandan culture, such as deliverance ministry known as Kugangahura for healing, into their missions. The study emphasizes that the ritual of Kugangahura can be harmoniously incorporated into the practices and liturgy of the Presbyterian Church, as its essence and goals align with the Christian notion of deliverance. However, this integration requires thorough research and methodological precision to present a holistic gospel catering to Banyarwanda's spiritual, physical, and emotional needs.

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