Consumer cyberactivism on the facebook reclame aqui on black friday 2018

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
8 pages
Research Article

Consumer cyberactivism on the facebook reclame aqui on black friday 2018

Norberto de Almeida Andrade, Giuliano Carlo Rainatto, Fonttamara Leite Lima, Genésio Renovato da Silva Neto and Denis Gustavo Paschoal


As a result of neglect occurred in consumer relations, consumers have been manifested in social networks to express their dissatisfactions are products (and) (or) services to businesses. With this new consumer empowerment in social media the new mental model that impacts on marketing relationships has significantly modified the current scenario in organizations and reputation of brands. In this customer service environment and digital convergence seeks to investigate the motivations and the various aspects of cyber activism leading consumers to participate in these virtual communities to complain companies. For better understanding of the study will be used a mixed research approach through the analysis of networks and content analysis. Thus the question arises, does the cyber-activism of dissatisfied consumers on the Facebook social network affects the reputation of the companies? We have analyzed the virtual community of Reclame Aqui during Black Friday 2018 to perform a mixed method approach: quantitative and qualitative. It is hoped that this study will contribute to bring a systematic reflection on complaints in digital social networks about brands, in addition to meet the shortage of relevant reflections to the topic, providing benefits that are revealed in content and basis of action for those interested.

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