Congruence, personality and centrality in small organization social networks

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Congruence, personality and centrality in small organization social networks

Jonatan Santana Batista, Sônia Maria Guedes Gondim, Elaine Rabelo Neiva and Evandro Minuce Mazo


Objective: To analyze the associations between congruence, personality and centrality in two intra-organizational networks: search for support and selection of professional teams. Originality: Investigate how person-environment adaptation works in work groups using social networks. Method: 61 professionals linked to a tertiary sector organization participated. The Vocational Interest Scale (VIS) and the Occupational Classification Inventory Revised (OCI-R) were used to estimate congruence, and the Next Big Five Inventory (BFI-2) was used to measure personality, as well as centrality measures using the Social Networks Analysis. Results: Congruence was positively associated with Out Closeness Centrality (OCC) for the two investigated networks. Only in the support network were found negative associations between Agreeableness and Out Closeness Centrality (OCC) and also between Neuroticism and In Degree Centrality (IDC) and In Closeness Centrality (ICC). Limitations and implications are at the end of the study.

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