Concept of manashila drug- a review

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Concept of manashila drug- a review

Dr. Bandeppa Sangolgi, Dr. Ganapathi rao and Dr. Praveen Simpi


Manashila, Haratala, and Somala are important arsenic compounds which are used in Ayurveda. Manashila is most popular among them. Manashila is commonly used in treating the diseases like Shwasa-Kasa, Agnimandya, Kshaya, Anaha, Jwara, Krimi, Visharoga, Raktavikara etc.Manashila is called as red arsenic with two molecules of Arsenic and two molecules of Sulphur (AS2S2). Manashila consumed without proper Shodhana causes Mandagni, Malabaddata, Ashmari and Mutra Krichra. Hence Shodhana of Manashila is essential. Shodhana is the process of removal of physical, chemical impurities and potentiating of the drugs. Generally Shuddha Manashila is not given alone. It is administered along with herbal drugs or an important ingredient in most of the popular formulations like Shwasakuthara Rasa, Rasa Raja Rasa, Trailokyachintamani Rasa etc. There are various Shodhana procedures explained for Manashila in Rasa classics like Rasa Ratna Samucchaya, Ayurveda Prakasha and Rasa Tarangini. There are three types of Manashila like Shyamangi, Kanaveeraka and Khandakya, which are superior in increasing order. So Khandakya is superior most and which also yields more Satva.

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