Comparison of disinfectant agents and possible application against covid-19. are disinfectants really effective?

International Journal of Development Research

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6 pages
Research Article

Comparison of disinfectant agents and possible application against covid-19. are disinfectants really effective?

Queiroz, Gabriella Brandimarte; Pavoni, Rafaella Ferrari; Coléte, Juliana Zorzi; Foggiato, Augusto Alberto; Toledo Neto, João Lopes; Silva, Douglas Fernandes


The current pandemic caused by the Sars-Cov-2 virus directs the use of disinfectant agents p more frequently, especially the recommendations and recommendations of World Health Organization (WHO) agencies. Therefore, we aimed this study to evaluate the efficacy of germination and disinfection of disposal sites – location with a high concentration of contaminants – from the dental clinic of a Brazilian university, under the microbicidal action of three different chemical agents: 70% Alcohol (v.v-1), 1% Peracetic Acid (v.v-1) and a common commercial product with the following formula: 0.42% o-benzyl p-chlorophenol. Through the collection and analysis of samples, it was observed that 70% alcohol was effective for disinfecting surfaces contaminated by general microorganisms, proving its possible effectiveness and indications for use against SARS-CoV-2. However, our evidence has shown that although peracetic acid has activity against viruses, further studies are needed for its applicability against COVID-19 at the concentrations analyzed in this study. On the other hand, o-benzyl p-chlorophenol in this study did not demonstrate effectiveness against microorganisms and, therefore, should not be used in coping with COVID-19.

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