Comparison of active knee extension test and straight leg raise angle in visual display terminal operators with or without low back pain

International Journal of Development Research

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6 pages
Research Article

Comparison of active knee extension test and straight leg raise angle in visual display terminal operators with or without low back pain

Vadivelan Kanniappan, Ms. Kaviarasi, S. and Sivakumar, V.P.R.


Background: Low back pain is a common musculoskeletal problem1. It is the leading cause of disability. Low back pain among office workers have become the subject of growing concern with the expanding use of Visual Display Terminals (VDTs) (Shahab, 2012). Objective: To find out the comparison of active knee extension test and straight leg raise angle in visual display terminal operators with or without low back pain. Study Design: Non-experimental design and observational type. Procedure: 101 subjects were selected based upon the inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria. Both the active knee extension test and straight leg raising test had been carried to the subjects by using digital inclinometer and pressure biofeedback unit and the reading was noted. Results: The mean value of Active Knee Extension angle is 166.00 and the mean value of Straight leg raise angle is 8.20. The significant value is 0.274 since the p value >0.05 and hence the correlation between the active knee extension test and straight leg raise angle is not significant. There is no correlation of AKE angle and SLR sciatic angle with the gender, low back pain, years of experience, working hours and there is non-significant results thereby p value >0.05. Conclusion: The study concludes that there is no correlation and sensitivity exists between both the active knee extension test and straight leg raise in visual display terminal operators with or without low back pain.

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