A Comparative study of the person of god in the bible and allah in the quran

International Journal of Development Research

A Comparative study of the person of god in the bible and allah in the quran


The paper: “A Comparative Study of the Person of God in the Bible and Allah in the Quran argues that the Supreme God of the universe is very well known to African Traditional religions through the gods who are considered as intermediaries working for Him to bridge the gap between the transcendent God and humans through the lesser gods. However, with the coming of Abrahamic faith in Africa, the interpretation of God has become a bone of contention between Christians and Moslems in Nigeria to the effect that several lives and properties have been destroyed on religious riots.  Against this backdrop, this writer embarks on a comparative study of God in the Bible and Allah in the Quran, as understood and viewed by adherents, with a mindset to explore the similarities and disparity, or points of departure, between the two concepts as basis for functional dialogue between adherents of Islam and Christianity

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