Clinical features and related factors of child burn victims
International Journal of Development Research
Clinical features and related factors of child burn victims
Received 15th November, 2021; Received in revised form 06th December, 2021; Accepted 03rd January, 2022; Published online 20th February, 2022
Copyright © 2022, Selma Davi Borges De Medeiros et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The objective was to evaluate the main clinical characteristics and related factors of children who were burned hospitalized in a Burn Treatment Center in the city of Fortaleza-Ceará-Brazil. Documentary, retrospective study with quantitative approach. Carried out in a Burn Treatment Center, with analysis of 155 children's records. For data collection, identification data, burn classification, burned body surface, hospital stay, related factors, nursing diagnoses, and decision-making in the face of clinical conditions were analyzed. It was evidenced that 59.4% of the children were male, 61.3% from the interior of the state. Regarding clinical characteristics, it was found: 69.7% of burns were due to scalding, 69.0% classified as 2nd degree, affecting the limbs in 76.2% of the cases, with an average of 15% of the burned body surface area. The mean length of hospital stay was longer than 10 days. As decision-making, balneotherapy/mechanical debridement and occlusive dressing were performed in 74.2%, and skin grafting in 8.4%. The risk of impaired skin integrity was the most prevalent nursing diagnosis in 100% of cases. The identification of clinical characteristics and related factors becomes fundamental for a systematized, with the planning of actions to reduce the risks and complications related to burn.