Chemistry teaching as environmental education instrument in a High School

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Chemistry teaching as environmental education instrument in a High School

José Carlos Oliveira Santos*, Joabi Faustino Ferreira, Samara Silva Santos, Isakeline Ferreira Oliveira, Eloíse Nascimento Diniz, Luís Fernandes Francelino Barros, José Adriano Pereira Souza, Adrielly Castro Silva, Irene Maria Lima Cruz and Lays Liliane Silva Araújo Fonsêca


Chemistry Education as an instrument of environmental awareness aims to work on the importance of caring for the environment, seeking a better understanding and development of critical citizen thinking about the environmental problems that are getting worse every day. In this sense, it is necessary to approach environmental education at school, aiming to raise students' awareness. The study of environmental education in schools makes future generations develop more conscious, critical and sustainable thinking in relation to the paths taken that involve the environment and society in general. Thus, this work aims to present the importance of environmental education in the student's daily life and in the school environment, seeking to transmit how it can be an instrument for environmental awareness. In order to achieve the objective presented, it was necessary to develop some activities carried out in the classroom and outside of it, with a second-grade class from the State Elementary and High School located in the Nova Floresta city, Brazil. These activities were divided into five moments, which aimed to analyze knowledge about the generator theme: construction of concept maps in the classroom; preparation of pamphlets, addressing the correct way to dispose of garbage; field class at the city dump and requested a textual production activity; production of parodies, cartoons, comics and cordel; workshop for the production of objects with recyclable materials. According to the results obtained, it was observed the interest and commitment of the students to develop the activities and dedication on the theme, considering that, there was enthusiasm on the part of the students to carry out a certain deepening about the damages to the environment, as well as, the reuse of materials that alleviate the excess of accumulated garbage.

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