The challenges of late replantation of avulsed permanent teeth: literature review

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

The challenges of late replantation of avulsed permanent teeth: literature review

Millena Sabrina de Andrade Silva, Renato Piai Pereira, Rogério Vieira Silva and Dilma Carvalho Santana


The objective of the present study was to address, by means of a literature review, the possible and most common consequences and complications of late permanent tooth replantation in patients who suffered dental avulsion. For this, a search for scientific articles was performed, covering case reports, systematic reviews and literature review. Articles published in the last 11 years were included, except for the inclusion of classic works on the subject and a textbook from the main Pubmed, Scielo and Google Schoolar databases. Therefore, it should be noted that dental trauma is still a very recurring condition in daily dental care, considering the need to evaluate the cost / benefit, patient's clinical condition, appropriate therapeutic planning to perform late replantation that may lead to future complications such as necrosis pulp; inflammatory, substitutive or even ankylosis resorption. And that further discussions on the subject at academic, professional and social levels should be held.

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