The challenges experienced by nurse preceptors in a residency program in obstetrics

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

The challenges experienced by nurse preceptors in a residency program in obstetrics

Anne Caroline Gonçalves Lima, Silvio Éder Dias da Silva, Francinéa de Nazaré Ferreira de Castilho, Tassio Ricardo Martins da Costa, Anna Paula Alves de Almeida, Amanda Souza França Veras, Renan Aviz do Nascimento, Mariana Pinheiro, Juliana de Oliveira Bezerra, Milena Coelho Fernandes Caldato, Renata Campos de Sousa Borges, Susi dos Santos Barreto de Souza, Ana Caroline de Oliveira Coutinho, Benedita Leida Martins Rodrigues, Luciene Maria dos Reis, Priscila Morgana da Silva Caldeira, Giovanna Nascimento Bilio, Enewton Eneas de Carvalho, Adriete Malato Ferreira Cordovil dos Santos, Fabia Matos Menezes, Marcilene Pimentel Gomes, Fernanda Karolyne Cunha Souza, Adriana Modesto Caxias, Tobias Ferreira Gonçalves; Flávia Moraes Pacheco da Silva


Objective: To analyze the challenges of nurse tutors in a residency program in obstetrics at a Public Teaching Hospital in the metropolitan region of Pará, northern Brazil. Method: Descriptive study with a qualitative approach, developed in a Public Hospital of Clinics, of medium and high complexity, located in the metropolitan region of Belém, northern Brazil. The sample consisted of nine preceptor nurses and four resident nurses participated in the study, from a residency program in obstetrics. The semi-structured interview was used as a data collection technique and as an interview guide, with two categories opened. The data were treated according to the TRS methodology of Serge Moscovici and his followers. Results: Throughout the study it was noticeable that the professionalization of preceptorship is out of date, since most of the preceptors are unaware of the meaning of being preceptor, its importance as trainers and educators, as well as their roles in the professional training of residents. Conclusion: It is suggested that preceptorship needs to be stimulated and institutionalized through policies that stimulate and demonstrate pedagogical development for the integral formation of qualified preceptors and committed to the teaching-learning process. That said, it is necessary that the training institutions can contribute for the profession of preceptorship to evolve towards professionalization.

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