Challenges and opportunities of wind energy technology

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Challenges and opportunities of wind energy technology

Moses Otieno Apunda and Benard Oloo Nyangoye


Wind is one of the growing alternative sources of energy in the world offering solutions to the depleting fossil fuels which have continuously polluted the atmosphere by emission of the greenhouse gases. Although wind has proved to be a viable source of green energy, wind turbine machinery construction is accompanied by a lot of challenges during both construction and operation which are at times considered minor but still exhibits tangible impacts. As well, wind energy comes with a number of opportunities both socially and economically. This paper therefore focuses on the challenges and opportunities created by the construction of wind turbine for energy generation. Studies from different authors are analysed and critically reviewed with a comparison made on both the pros and cons of the wind turbine as an alternative source of green energy after which a conclusion is drawn as to why this type of energy generation is preferred to conventional energy sources.

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