Case Report: Breast Lipograft – an Option for the Surgical Treatment of Poland Syndrome in low Weight Patients

International Journal of Development Research

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5 pages
Research Article

Case Report: Breast Lipograft – an Option for the Surgical Treatment of Poland Syndrome in low Weight Patients

Camila Maria Nascimento Firme, Kaio Danilo Leite Da Silva Rocha, Liza Maria Sampaio de Brito, Leonardo Augusto de Carvalho Santos, Emerson Wesley de Freitas Cordeiro, Leonardo Bezerra Feitosa and Erik de Aquino Nery


The popularity of autologous fat grafts has been growing in recent years in the world of plastic surgery due to their applicability with good results for both aesthetic and reparative purposes, such as in cases of asymmetries in Poland syndrome. We report the case of a low-weight patient with Poland syndrome, with improvement in breast asymmetry through sequential breast fat grafting, respecting an appropriate surgical technique. Three fat grafting sessions were performed with a total of 445ml, following Colerman's principles, with a percentage loss of 47.2% of the transferred tissue after 19 months of follow-up. Although the standard treatment of Poland syndrome in women is based on muscle flaps associated with breast implants, breast fat grafting has its role, not only in remodeling and refinement, but as a possibility for reconstruction, with sequential surgeries being an alternative for better survival. of the graft, with good functional and aesthetic results.

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