Caring behaviors nurse based on quality of nursing work life and self-concept in nursing nurses in hospital

International Journal of Development Research

Caring behaviors nurse based on quality of nursing work life and self-concept in nursing nurses in hospital


Background and Objectives: Caring Behaviors an attitude of caring, respect and respect for others, it means to give one's attention and learning preferences and how a person thinks and acts. Behavior Caring nurse found the results of the assessment, dissatisfaction inpatients to nursing services reached 24%, not the behavior of Caring, From the data that has been obtained that Caring behaviors of nurses in nursing care in hospitals is still not optimal. The aim in this research was to develop a model of Caring behaviors Based Quality Of Nursing worklife and Self-Concept of nurses in nursing care in hospital.
Methods: The method used was a survey, using designs explanatory, using questionnaires and observations of nurses, samples used were 71 nurses Hospitals in Probolinggo. This study consists of a variableexogenous variables, namely nursing quality of worklife, and self-concept and endogenous variables that Behaviours caring nurse. This research. UsingData Analysis Smart PLS.
Findings: The results showed that 1) Quality Of Nursingworklife effect on Caring Behaviors, 2) Quality Of Nursing worklife effect on Caring Behaviors Nurses, 3) Quality Of Nursing worklife affect the Self-Concept Nurses, 4) Self-Concept has an influence on Caring Behaviors Nurse, 5) Quality Of Nursing worklife and Self-Concept Caring nurse affect the behaviors of nurses in nursing care. Caring Model Behavior based Quality of Nursing Work Life and Self-ConceptNurses in Nursing at the Hospital indispensable for nurses.
Conclusions: Strategies to increase the caring behavior of nursing care in hospitals by improving the Quality of Nursing Work Life and Self-Concept nurse. The new findings: Model Caring Behaviors Self-Concept nurse is there covering Fhysical, personal, moral, social and family. Caring behavior in nursing care is influenced by variables Quality of Nursing Work Life and Self-Concept.


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