Capabilities and entitlements ‘the politik of health economics in India’

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Capabilities and entitlements ‘the politik of health economics in India’

Bhaskar Chakraborti


The paper aims to capture the essence of political economy of health with the sighting theoretical underpinnings of different schools of thought – Marxist, Cultural Critique and Development of the underdeveloped. It further attempts to reflect on the way in which Indian health professionals and thinkers in the field engage with the discourse. The paper travels from historical events in the field of public health in India and reflect the emerging current day issues in the light of International Political Economy and the withdrawal of the state in health activities and a large percentage of market captured by the private sector. With examples of health programs from India, the paper attempt to unpack, the role of state in the Indian Public Health System and analysis of the factors which perpetuate in defining the arena of the political and economic stratifiers of Indian Health System and health care economy.

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