Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor-unusual occurence in anterior maxilla : A case report
International Journal of Development Research
Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor-unusual occurence in anterior maxilla : A case report
The calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor (CEOT) is a rare benign odontogenic neoplasm epithelial in origin that accounts for approximately 1% of all odontogenic tumors. Epithelial cells of Pindborg tumour arise from remnants of the cells in the stratum intermedium layer of the enamel organ in tooth development.It mostly occurs in the mandibular posterior region of jaw. The occurrence of this tumour in the anterior maxilla (an uncommon site) makes it rarer. Although the present case was asymptomatic, root resorption, swelling and displacement of adjacent teeth necessitated its surgical removal. The lesion was surgically enucleated and histopathological examination confirmed calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour, showing abundant calcifications in the form of Liesegang rings.