Burning fuel whith the help of laser in automobile

International Journal of Development Research

Burning fuel whith the help of laser in automobile


In today’s world there is massive reduction in the fuel supply due to excessive use of vehicles. The moment when there is a direct inject of fuel engine shows the highest reducing in the fuel consumption and exhaust emission. Spark plugs offer only limited possibilities for optimising engine efficiency, due to their fixed position within a cylinder and the protrusion of electrodes which disturb the cylinder geometry and can quench the flame kernel. Laser radiation is non-invasive and has greater flexibility in terms of the ignition position, allowing the possibility of multipoint ignition. Through this paper, the objective is to present the current state of the relevant knowledge on fuel ignition and discuss selected applications, advantages, in the context of combustion engines. Sustainability with regard to internal combustion engines is strongly linked to the fuels burnt and the overall efficiency. Laser ignition can enhance the combustion process and minimize pollutant formation. This paper is on laser ignition of sustainable fuels for future internal combustion engines.

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