Biofertilizers obtained from fish by-products aimed at improving the biological functions of soils and plants. application to corn silage

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
9 pages
Research Article

Biofertilizers obtained from fish by-products aimed at improving the biological functions of soils and plants. application to corn silage

Hammoutou, S., Aziane, A., Aouane, E., Chaouch, A. and El yachioui, M.


The national halieutic production reached in 2014 a quantity of 1353 780 tons. The industry of transformation and valuation of the products of the peach in Morocco occupies an important place in the national economy because it’s treats about 70 % of the captures of the coast fishing and exports approximately 85 % of its production on hundred countries in the five continents. Now the pelagic fish industry generates a significant amount of waste up to 60%, are generally filed anarchically in the nature in the garbage dump and caused a negative impact on the environment and public health. Although, the analyses of these fish by-products showed a high load of pathogenic microorganisms, they also showed a wealth of organic material including proteins and minerals. These components and others are capitalizing to be used for agricultural or agro-food, hence the need for the establishment of an industrial process of their treatments and their valuations. That’s why our laboratory, has made a biotechnological method based on the use of a fermentation leaven and carbon-rich source of carbohydrates, A hydrolyzate rich in amino acids and trace elements was obtained with excellent hygienic quality. It will be used as a fertilizer and soil improver. Its use will be as factors for fertilizer and soil amendment. We produced two biostimulants necessary for plant growth: Rooting- development, elongation-production. The application tests on these biofertilizers, on the culture of the corn of silage in the laboratory were performed. These tests have allowed obtaining promising results, so significant difference concerning the size of leaf surface and diameter of the different organs of the plant have been observed in comparison with the proof plants. Seen the importance of the corn of silage in the dairy production and considering the promising results that we have obtained in the laboratory tests, it was decided to extend these same tests on the cultivation corn in the field at breeders. Promising results are obtained in this experimentation, concretized by a highly significant overtaking in the development of the stems, leaves and ears of corn cultivation treated with biostimulants in comparison with those of untreated maize, confirm the results of the laboratory tests. The impact of the application of the biostimulants on the culture of corn was reflected, also on the ear yields, is an average number of 2,5 ears per plant with a weight 140g by ears for treated early corn against only 1.5 ears per plant and 60g/ears for the untreated early corn and 110g by ears for treated late corn against only 45/ears for the untreated late corn. Indeed, and as an indication, the analysis of the realizations of production showed one more time the highly significant effect of the application of the biostimulants. Indeed, the treated early corn gave a production of 119,04T/ha of silage almost 3 times more than the yield realized by the untreated early corn which did not exceed 43T/ha, also, the late treated corn gave a production of 111.6T/ha of silage is 3 times more than the yield realized by the untreated late corn with only 35.08T/ha of silage.

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