Bilateral nephrolithiasis in a female canine: Case report and epidemiological considerations

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Bilateral nephrolithiasis in a female canine: Case report and epidemiological considerations

Gabriel Woermann Rick, Gabriele Maria Callegaro Serafini and Fernando Silvério Ferreira da Cruz


Nephrolithiasis is the occurrence of calculus in the renal pelvis, responsible to change the physiology of the urinary tract. Predisposing factor include anatomical changes, hereditary factors, infections of the urinary tract, variations in the urine pH, diet types and low ingestion of water. The most founded uroliths in dogs are the magnesium ammonia (struvite) phosphate and calcium oxalate. The radiography and the ultrasonography are the most used methods of diagnosis. The treatment depends of the size of the calculus and if the same it is passable to dissolved by specific drugs. This article has the objective to describe a bilateral nephrolithiasis case in Shih tzu canine female, affected by calculus of calcium oxalate, based in epidemiological studies of different geographic regions, aiming inform about the casuistry from the animals that are affected, encompassing aspects as age, sex and racial predisposition.

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