Bibliometric research at scopus databaseabout digital compentence in higher education

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Bibliometric research at scopus databaseabout digital compentence in higher education

Lidnei Ventura, Betina da Silva Lopes and Tania Regina da Rocha Ungluab


The main goal of the article is to do a bibliometric survey of publications in the Scopus database regarding digital competence in higher education, between 2012 and 2021. Exploratory research was the methodology adopted, through a quantitative survey of bibliometric production using the main categories available at the Scopus database: means of access, publication year, areas of study, country, author and journals. The results point to a rapid growth of studies on digital competence in higher education in the last decade, mainly in the last three years, probably due to the massive use of digital technology for information and communication in the work place and in education. During Covid-19 pandemic an intensification of studies on the topic was noticeable, certainly in response to sanitary restrictions and social isolation imposed on educational institutions that were compelled to transition to distance teaching. It was observed a wide spread of scientific publications in various countries, different authors and many journals on the subject. Studies done in Spain stand out, but countries with emerging economies also made relevant contributions.

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